Thursday, May 3, 2018
Beginning of 2018, the first TEMPUS600 VITA system was installed in Singapore National University Hospital to streamline the handling of blood samples from the Emergency Department.
The Singapore National University Hospital (NUH) has with state-of-the-art facilities and an experienced team. It is a tertiary hospital and major referral centre for a comprehensive range of medical, surgical and dental specialties.
At the beginning of 2018, the first TEMPUS600 VITA system was installed in the Emergency Department, which deals with around 300-400 blood samples every day. Now, in the space of minutes, blood samples can be transported from the emergency department to the laboratory, thus reducing turn-around-time for acute samples.
The emergency department is located at the ground floor in the main building, connecting to the laboratory located on the third storey in the same building. The total distance between the departments is around 205 metres. The samples are placed in a manual tray and analysed in a Beckmann Coulter Automation system.
In addition to the existing Pneumatic Tube System (PTS), the TEMPUS600 solution has been installed to streamline the handling of blood samples, and improve workflow.
First Tempus600 solution in Singapore;