10/17/2017 UZG (University Hospital, Ghent) will be the first hospital in Belgium to implement the TEMPUS600 solution.
10/8/2017 We are happy, very happy, because Timedico has just been awarded Gazelle Company 2017.
8/14/2017 The first TEMPUS600 Vita will be installed in the Emergency Room at Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH) in Autumn 2017
7/17/2017 For the first time, an Israeli hospital trial the new technology of TEMPUS600 Vita®.
7/17/2017 Chongqing Daping hospital imported the automatic blood samples system TEMPUS600® from Denmark, as a solution to improve the efficiency to deliver blood samples from ICU to the laboratory.
7/17/2017 Automation and efficiency was essential to the laboratory management at National Reference Laboratory in Abu Dhabi when they decided to buy the Tempus600 solution in order to transfer blood samples between two laboratories.
7/17/2017 Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has followed up on their first successful experiences with TEMPUS600 solution by installing the second TEMPUS600 system.