9/30/2015 By the Chinese Medical Association, Chinese medical association test branch sponsored the Eleventh National Congress of Chinese society of Laboratory Medicine Conference (referred to as the 2015 National Laboratory Medicine Conference) was held in 2015 September 9-12 in Nanjing.
9/15/2015 The NCLM is the largest laboratory equipment exhibition in China dedicated only to the advancement of IVD equipment. The star of the attraction was the Tempus600 live demonstration, which attracted plentiful positive feedback
9/3/2015 The German hospital Juliusspital in Würzburg has recently invested in a Tempus600 blood transport system. In the hospital website they state that they "are more than satisfied" and that the new system is a "massive relief".
8/20/2015 New distributor on the South East Asian market
7/24/2015 OBS: NY DATO! Gibosort - ny løsning til udpakning og sortering af prøver fra praksislægen